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There are so many ways to get involved at Morning Star  but you may be wondering, "what are the next step?" It is our desire to see you become a mature Christian that enjoys life at every level! Maybe you don't know where you are in this journey, but we are here to help. 


Are there any requirements for membership at Morning Star?

Yes. Anyone desiring to place membership at Morning Star must be willing to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and grow in his or her relationship with God. Our membership requirements are based on the New Testament precedents set forth in Acts 2:37-41, and throughout the book of Romans.


How do I accept Christ as my Savior

First, admit that you (and everyone else) have fallen short of God’s requirements (Romans 3:23); next, understand that the penalty for sin is death (Romans 6:23); then, acknowledge that Jesus Christ is God’s only Son, and that He has already paid the penalty for your sins by His death on the cross (Romans 5:8, 10:9010); and finally, follow the example of Christ and show that you identify with him by being baptized (Romans 6:3-4).


When should I become a member?

This answer is different for every person. Some are ready to become members after only a few visits; others require more time to the teachings, beliefs and expectations of the Church. However, if you attend regularly and are ready to have or have already entered into a relationship with Jesus Christ and been baptized by water immersion; and if you are ready to consider Morning Star  your church home, then you may be ready to become a member today.

How do I become a member of Morning Star?

During each weekend worship service, an invitation is extended generally at the end of the message, for anyone who wants to make a decision.

You can join Morning Star by:


  • Profession of Faith and Baptism: Trusting Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord and baptism by immersion as a symbol of faith and dedication.

  • Baptism: If you have trusted Christ as Savior, but have not been baptized as a believer by immersion.

  • Promise of a Church Letter: Transfer your membership from another Baptist church.

  • Watch Care: Affiliation by “Watch Care” is available to those not desiring to unite with our church in official membership. 

You can also meet  with a member of our Diaconate who is trained to answer your questions and help you with your decision. If you are not able to respond during the worship service, someone is always available during office hours at the Church Office (9-4, M-F) to speak with you in person.


What is expected of me once I become a member?

Here’s our expectation of members:

  1.  Regularly attend worship.

  2. Find a ministry to call your own. We have different types of groups to meet diverse needs.

  3. Support the church with your prayers, your presence and your financial gifts.

  4.  Invite others.


If I have already received Christ and have been baptized by immersion in another church, will I have to be baptized again to be a member of Morning Star?

No. We believe that you are baptized into God’s family, not a particular church. However, some people who become members choose to be baptized again if they feel their baptism was for the wrong reason(s), such as an adult who was baptized as a child because a friend or parent pressured him or her. If you have questions about this, we would be happy to discuss it with you.


Do I have to be a member to serve at Morning Star?


Yes.  Most  of the ministry opportunities at Morning Star do not require you to be a member. There are some, however, which do require membership. As a general guideline, membership is required to participate in any leadership role at Morning Star.

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